Monday, May 08, 2006

Interesting Conversation

I know, I know...if blogger could fire me, it would. I am horrible at getting back to this. In my defense, I have joined some mom groups, have my house torn apart trying to move Timmy into his new room, painting my bathroom, getting ready for a big crop and then trying to make a gut wrenching decision about Jake. So my mind hasn't been on finishing the trip, but I promise, if Timmy naps today, I will be back!

So yesterday while Emma was eating lunch, I was at the counter fixing my sandwich when she says, "Mom when is Jake going to get better?"
My reply, "He isn't going to get better baby."
Em "But his hair is starting to grow back." (that was from his operation in Feb to remove a lump.)
me "Well that part is better, but his back and back legs aren't going to get better."
Em "So he is going to go to heaven"
me "yes he is"
Em "Oh, I am going to miss him, but he will be with peanut and hmmm, the human."
me "Who?"
Em "You know the human, what is her name?
me "YOu mean Aunt Jean?"
Em "Yes Aunt Jean. She will take care of Jake for us until we get there."
me "yes she will Emma and God will help her"
Em "Mom who is God?"
me thinking here is the question of a life time don't blow it. "Well God made the trees, animals, us"
Em "He made us?"
me "Yes, he picks us to join our family"
Em "What does he look like?"
me "I don't know"
Em "Are we going to meet him?"
me "When we get to heaven we will."
Em "And peanut (our rabbit) and Jake?"
me "yes"
Em "oh"
me "and the best part is that God will make Jake all better. So when we get to heaven he will be able to run and play with us again"
Em "How does he get a new body?"
me thinking why didn't I stop while I was ahead. "God is magical. When our bodies are to sick and tired they stop working and we go to heaven. When we get to heaven God gives us a new body that is healthy."
Em "oh, then I can come back to this house?"
me "no sweetie, we would stay in heaven."
Em "But I don't want to stay in heaven, I want to stay here in this house."
me "No one is going to heaven for a long time. You,Daddy, Timmy and me will be here for a long time!"
Em "And Maggie too?"
me "Maggie will be here for awhile longer, but not as long as all of us."
Em "I will miss my Jakie!"
me "Me too sweetie, me too."


At 5/08/2006 3:24 PM, Blogger Christy M. said...

Wow! That was a deep conversation! I think you handled it perfectly Tracy. Seriously.

I'm so sorry to hear that Jake isn't improving. The acupuncture isn't helping at all?

I know you will make the right decision regarding Jake. You are a wonderful mother with a humongous heart.

At 5/08/2006 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this conversation Tracy (as hard as it is, I know, for your future with Jake). I have conversations like this with Bailey on a fairly regular basis, and I totally have the same thought patterns you wrote about! You should see me try to explain reincarnation to a 6 year old! :)

At 5/09/2006 2:40 AM, Blogger mommy3 said...

Oh, Tracy, I have so much to catch up on in your blog!

I had this exact conversation about two weeks ago. It broke my heart to see my son so sad. Even though we've talked about this before, his innocence was lost. He understood the finality of death. He said, "I don't want to 'get dead'. I want to see my sisters get married." Oh my gosh. How do you stop the tears then?!

Your response was perfect.

So sorry about Jake.

Hugs to you all!

At 5/09/2006 6:19 PM, Blogger Penny said...

Oh Tracy. I am sorry sorry about Jake.. What a converastion with Emma. You handled it pretty good.. have you had the 'where do babies come from ?" not where you answer with a pat answer but when you have to the FULL truth.

Big hugs to you Tracy

At 5/10/2006 7:44 AM, Blogger Goodies for Mom said...

Emma just broke my heart with this conversation. What a caring, sweet little girl and what a great mommy you are to handle ti so well.


At 5/11/2006 4:43 PM, Blogger Beth said...

Emma has so much insight, she cares so much. You are raising her well.
You handled the conversation perfectly.
You are such a good Mom!

At 5/14/2006 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day Tracy!


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