Friday, March 23, 2007

Read to Me Update

I am chiming in a little late with this update, but it went well.

The children LOVED me reading to them again. It really helps them focus and have some down time.

I started buy picking the books out for the children. After about a week, I picked out one book and they picked out 2 books. Emma listened to all of the books. Timmy listened to the books he picked out (they were more on grade level for him). Emma also has started reading to Timmy a book a day. It is great to see them together.

My husband even read to them. He used to read books to them at bedtime, then life got too hectic.

Emma wrote a report about our new puppy and brought it to school to read to her class. This is huge for her. She is a very quite little girl so this was way out of her comfort zone.

As for getting the school to pick up a reading program, it wasn't a success BUT it wasn't a complete failure either. I did learn that they do have a reading program but they aren't using it. This WILL change next year and it will be because of me. As of right now, it appears that I am going to be the President of the PTA so things will be changing. Oh, and they didn't have a book sale this year. I have already talked to the existing president and voiced my opinion. He told me he will back me next year to make sure the children have the chance to purchase books. I will also make sure that the reading program is for all students and not just students that are struggling. It made be a battle but one the I will win.

This project has made me realize just how much my children love being read to! It warms my heart to know they have a love of reading and books. I love that Emma wants to read to Timmy. I love that we have all found something we can do together and it really doesn't take much time. The best part though, is it is truly quality time together to talk and listen. So thank you Jennifer for having this project and getting people involved.


At 3/23/2007 10:59 AM, Blogger Penny said...

Ok what does it mean that we both put pictures of our husband reading to our children LOL

At 3/23/2007 9:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

That's sweet. I'm glad that it was a success.

The dog looks like she/he enjoys it too!


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