Sunday, March 12, 2006

Who Motivates YOU?

As most that are reading this know, I belong to a wonderful group called Friends of Allie. We are a group of women that work (through the internet) to raise money to find a cure for blood cancers. I had the priviledge (and yes it was a priviledge) to meet these amazing women in Las Vegas last November for the first time. I felt like I was meeting old friends. It was truly amazing.

Now many of these women have joined weight watchers. Can I just say, how proud I am of them! Not for joining, but for being so inspiring and motivating. They are working so hard to become healthy!! They have inspired me to try harder to be healthier for my family. As many of you know, I don't need to lose weight (according to charts) but I feel that I need to lose between 6 and 10 pounds to be more comfortable. When I got married I was 126 lbs. Not a weight I really saw growing up. I had passed it so quickly, I think I sneezed and was 140. It was crazy! Then right before I got pregnant with Emma I was at a comfortable weight of 133. I say comfortable, because at 126 I never felt good, but at 133 I stayed that weight without trying. After Emma I only got back to 136 which isn't bad since I didn't try to lose the weight, it just came off. But those 3 lbs never left me. Then I got pregnant with Timmy. I have dropped most of his baby weight except for 3 to 5 pounds. So this is where I am at. Baby weight that is still holding on that I want to get rid of. I don't like fluctuating between 139 and 143. Believe me, I know it is a good weight, but I am not comfortable.

So here comes my motivation...these wonderful women!! They have taught me it isn't just about the weight, it is about your health. I have always said, I may be thin and look good, but I am not healthy. I know in my mind I am not healthy. Yes, my blood pressure is low and the last time I did a cholesterol test it came back good, but in my heart I know that I am not doing my best to be healthy.

One friend does laps in her house to get healthy! Would you believe that she did over 19,000 steps one day!! No I am not lying about that!! Another friend not only counts her points, but has joined a gym. Something I thought would be impossible since I have no one for the children. To my amazement, gyms have childcare!! Something I never would have thought of. She also had good advise about finding a good childcare within the gym. I am going this week to look into it for myself. I have attempted to do my workout here at home, but it just doesn't work for me right now. I am not as motivated to get it done. If I start at a gym now Emma and Timmy will be together. I won't feel guilty leaving just one. So hopefully in the fall when Emma goes to Kindergarten, Timmy will be fine being left there. I also hope that I will be motivated to include workouts at home after seeing result from the gym.

All of these women have motivated me to live a better life! And because of that, I am a better mother to my children!!

So to all of you reading, I thank you all for inspiring me to take control of my life.

I will give you an update on my bike later. There is a funny story about that.


At 3/13/2006 12:14 AM, Blogger Beth said...

What a great blog entry, Tracy! It's funny because it's like a big circle! You are motivated by us, but your support means so much and helps motivate us, too!

I hope you find a gym! You will LOVE it!!!!!!

At 3/13/2006 10:57 PM, Blogger Christy M. said...

Thank you for all of your motivation during my weight loss journey! You don't know how much I appreciate that you follow my blog and leave great comments! It means lots!!!

Good luck with your new "get healthy" adventure!! I think it's important to take care of what we've got now, so we can be here for a long time! And of course, I'll be here to cheer you on every step of the way!!

Blog about the bike! I'm dying to hear about your adventures!


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