Thursday, February 23, 2006

Raising Tim Tim

What is it about the second child? Or is it that he is a boy? Or is it that I named him Timmy? My mother told me that name would be trouble. Or is it that he is living up to our expectations with the name Timmy? Whatever it is, Emma has gotten the short end of the stick today.

It started out with him biting her finger because he wanted something. Not just the normal, "feel my teeth, now give me that toy" kind of bite. The kind of bite that leaves marks. The kind of bite that reminds me of the triplets. You know what I am talking about, Kim. And this was at 8:30 this morning.

Then Susan (speech teacher) came to work with the kids. Timmy was up first and we attempted playdough, but that was not good. He kept putting in his mouth. So on to plan 2, get something out of Susan's bag of tricks. Well that didn't go well either. He was fired up today, so it wasn't a good speech session.

After lunch it was naptime. I don't think Timmy got the memo on that. He played up there and then decided to scream and cry for me to get him. I finally brought him down and then 30 minutes later, he was beating his sister on the head with their toy fishing pole. What the heck is going on???? I am really, give me a break. So now Emma has a bruise on her forehead and a scratch by her eye.

Then while cooking dinner (did you think the day ended with the fishing pole?) he was puching his dump truck and split his lip with his tooth. Thank goodness it wasn't bad, but it could have very easily been bad if it was a little harder.

So if the next time you see me, I'm bald or all grey, know that it was the workings of a little boy named Timmy. Or as he likes to refer to himself as Tim Tim while slapping his chest. Yes, he is quite a character!!

So they are now in bed and my problem is what to watch on TV from my recliner. There is just too much. I have the first elimination on American Idol, the finals of Dancing with the Stars and the skating on the Olympics! Why can you go forever with nothing on and then BAM! there are 3 things you want to watch!! So all of the TIVO's in my house will be working like crazy. Wish me luck on watching everything. Have a great night everyone!!


At 2/24/2006 12:27 PM, Blogger Sara T said...

He is PURE THROUGH AND THROUGH boy!!! I always thought the name Zachary ended up in trouble makers...but I will add Timmy to my list. LOL! He looks so sweet and innoncent in all his pictures. He really is quite a character. Hahahhaha!!!

At 2/24/2006 6:01 PM, Blogger Penny said...

I have come to the conclusion that if we ever got Timmy, Brooklyn and Abby into a room together, we would risk a major disaster. We would need EMS and fire support for sure :)

At 2/24/2006 10:18 PM, Blogger Christy M. said...

Sounds like you've to yourself a handful! I'm sure in a couple of years you'll miss your little Tim Tim and all of his quirks! He'll grow out of it soon!

Hope you had fun relaxing and watching TV tonight!! I completely understand about all the choices of what to watch! Sometimes I flip the channels more than Brian and that drives ME crazy!!

At 2/25/2006 10:18 PM, Blogger Beth said...

Biting injuries are the worst! I hope you're getting lots of time to relax, you so badly deserve it!

I hope Timmy has better and better days! (I laughed at your Mom's comment about naming your child Timmy, TOO funny!)


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