Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Did you ever just know...

that something not so good was going to happen?

I went to Sam's Club yesterday with the kids and my mom. She took Emma in her cart and Timmy and I decided to conquer the store. Halfway through, I realized I forgot the dog food. So back we go to get it.

I wheel the cart right up to it (it weighs 44 lbs) so I can slide it in. So as I slide it, I feel some pieces hit my fingers. Thinking there must have been a few on the bag, I look back and see a mess of dog food on the pile of bags. "Hmmmm, I hope that isn't from our bag Tim." So as I look, YUP, there it is. Ugh, so now I have to lift the thing (44 lbs!!) out of the cart. As I go to lift I hear what sounds like a big rip. Well, no need to look...dog food starts spilling in the cart, on to the floor, well just about all over. Thank goodness an employee rounded the corner. I apologized and then asked him to get the bag out of my cart. So with a new bag, we were off to finish shopping.

While getting all the groceries out at the checkout counter, dog food fell off the box of diapers. Quickly I swept them under the checkout so no one would get hurt. Thinking that was the end of the dog food saga...I put on my mittens to find....you guessed it more dog food. Unbelievable. I am just glad Emma was with my mom, otherwise I wouldn't have heard the end of it.


At 2/21/2006 3:17 PM, Blogger Christy M. said...

I'm totally cracking up at the image you've painted. I can see you wrestling the dog food bad that's as big as you are and having it spill out everywhere!

Dog food in the glove huh? I bet the dogs were smelling your hands when you got home!!

At 2/21/2006 8:39 PM, Blogger Penny said...

eew.. That most have been so frusrating. sounds like the bag was faulty. Poor Tracy I hate shoping trips that go from bad to worse.

At 2/21/2006 11:35 PM, Blogger Beth said...

WHAT A NIGHTMARE! As if spilling the dog food wasn't bad enough, you continue to find it in every nook possible! poor tracy. :-(

At 2/22/2006 1:32 PM, Blogger Sara T said...

Oh jeez!!! What a mess!!! Funny for us...but major pain in the butt for you!! LOL!

At 2/22/2006 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay - I just have this IMAGE of you struggling with this ripped bag of dog food while it spills everywhere. tee hee! I know it wasn't funny at the time, but you have to admit, it's funny in retrospect!


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