Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Wishing for Spring!!

I am having a really tough time lately. I can't seem to get out of my own way. At first, I thought maybe a mini mid-life crisis. Now I am thinking, it is more the winter blues. I don't know, could it be any of these things, all of these things, or more stuff that I just haven't thought of. Sometimes I feel like I just want to jump out of my skin.

I haven't been able to workout lately. Well, I guess that is actually a lie. I worked out 3 times and then tried the next couple of days with too many interruptions from the kids. Then it got to let me eat something for lunch first, wow I ate too much, let me just sit in the recliner and watch something on TV and then aw, Timmy is going to be awake soon so I can start now. Yes, all excuses!!! Then I get mad at myself. Another wasted afternoon! This is also a part of my rough time. I am just not motivated to do anything, I mean ANYTHING!! Oh wait, I am motivated to sit in the recliner and eat cookies.

On another note, Jake is recooperating very well!! Actually, I am thinking he needs the lump put back in. He has been a royal PITA lately!! I mean really, does he need to lick his paw at 3 AM!! Or stand in front of me and bark as soon as I sit down. The dog has more energy lately. Was the lump weighing him down? Whatever it is I am so happy that he is ok!!

Oh, and for everyone laughing at the dog food incident, I laughed too!! Come on, it was hysterical. Timmy was just staring at me like, "You're on your own Momma!"

Speaking of Timmy, I put him to bed tonight and came down stairs (to my recliner) and then hear soemthing. What was it...oh and make sure you read it fast! "come momma, come momma, come momma, come momma, come momma, come momma, come momma, come momma, come momma, come momma, come momma, come momma" Timmy needed me. I laughed all the way up the stairs. It was like a chant. I had told him that if he needs me, not to cry, but to say come momma and I would hear him and come. Well it worked and boy did it bring a smile to my face.

It is official, Timmy will be receiving OT. Hopefully, it will start next week. I have mixed feelings about it, but if it will help even a little, it is worth it.

Emma is doing great!! She is very excited about school. They are having the Olympics next Monday. I will be sure to take pictures. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she participates. She is usually a shrinking flower in front of crowds, but so are her parents.

Well I need to end this. American Idol is on and I can't miss the boys. And yes, since I am older than all of them, they are boys!

Have a great night everyone. Wish for Spring and beautiful weather. The kids and I really need to get outside and have fun!


At 2/23/2006 12:03 AM, Blogger Beth said...

Oh girl, I hear you! We need to move to Florida! We could go to Busch Gardens with Sara! (doesn't it seem like she's always in a good mood?? Is it because of the weather?) I wish there was something I could do to lift you from your blues. Just remember, no matter how many cookies you eat and no matter how many times you decide to watch TV and not exercise, you are still so awesome. An awesome Mom, an awesome wife and an incredible friend. Love you.

At 2/23/2006 10:05 AM, Blogger Sara T said...

Oh huge hugs sweetie!!!!!!!!!!! I wish we could all be there to help you...everyone needs to go out with the girls. It really does help your mood. We all need to move closer to each other. And Beth is really is the weather!!! It helps ALOT! Going outside and enjoying the warm sun is some serious therapy. :)
Oh you know what I just thought of! We should all meet in Florida and have a mini vacation! That would be fun! We could all rent a beach house together!!!
Just remember you are well loved and we are always here for you! You'll get out of the "mood" when your ready. Don't feel bad about it...everyone has them! :)

I am glad Jake is feeling better!

Oh Colin does that too!!! He calls for me instead of crying. He has done it for a couple months now...he probably realized it worked faster. LOL! And if he wants me NOW he calls Help Mama Help! Just a little jump start to mama's heart. LOL!

I hope Timmy does great with OT and it really is a great help!

Hope Emma has fun with Olympics!! Can't wait to see pictures!

At 2/23/2006 11:37 AM, Blogger Christy M. said...

I bet it's the weather. Once it starts warming up and getting nice outside you'll start feeling better. You see here in Houston we get the summer blues. It's so damn hot here we can't go outside for fear of melting (Tracey, don't freak out, I'm just trying to make Tracy feel better)!

I understand about not being motivated too. Sometimes I get in a slump and then I have to find a new hobby or something that interests me enough to make me get off the couch.

I'm so glad Jake's feeling better. I hate that paw licking at 3 a.m. I think they do it just to annoy us. Molly knows what "Stop licking you paw" means because I've said it so many times!

Hope Timmy does well with OT. I'm sure you'll see a huge difference. Good luck to Emma at the Olympics too! Oh how I miss elementary school. . .

Hugs to you!


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