Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Will there be a Peanut 2??

For those reading that don't know, I had a rabbit named Peanut. I got him right after I got married and let him run around the house. He was litter trained until Jake (the dog) came along. He died while I was in the hospital with my placental abruption.

Here is a picture of him or her, huh, I'm not really sure.

This picture is actually when I realized that he was sick and I would have to decide what to do with him. As fate has it, I was put in the hospital a week later with complications from my pregnancy. A week after that, he had died.

So fast forward to my conversation with at today at lunch. While sitting at the table, we could hear Rolie Polie Olie on the TV. The father said something about being old, which sparked this conversation.

Em: Mom, when are we going to be old?
Me: What do you mean, Em?
Em: You know, when you are old you go to heaven. (we have been having this conversation on an off for a couple of months now)
Me: Em, we aren't old. We aren't going to be old for a long time. Beside you need to be old and very, very sick. Grammie Ball is old, but she is not sick, so she is going to stay here with us.
Em: Oh, but Peanut was old and sick.
Me: Yes he was.
Em: Well, maybe someday we can get another Peanut. Peanut 2
Me: I don't think that is going to happen. We want to go camping, and we can't bring a rabbit with us.
Em: Well Maggie and Jakie don't go with us. Someone stays here and takes care of them, so they can take care of Peanut 2.
Me: We are not getting another rabiit.
Em: Yes we are. You know my birthday IS coming up.

And with that she walks away. Who knew a conversation that starts with "When are we going to be old?" Would lead to her getting a rabbit "Peanut 2". Which by the way...she is NOT getting. I do not want to clean anymore cages!


At 2/01/2006 1:41 PM, Blogger Christy M. said...

Cute picture! Emma is so funny and smart!! I've been trying to talk Brian into another dog for awhile!BJ NEEDS a puppy, right? Well he said we could get a fish. Woohoo, lots of excitement there.

Good luck on the Peanut2 war!

At 2/01/2006 2:51 PM, Blogger Penny said...

wow she sure is a smart one tracy WOW .. that is all I can say.. I think she was winning that conversation.. I guess she does not know tht it does not matter who wins the conversation but the mommy alwasy trumps the child..

common on Tracy get the kid a peanut 2.

At 2/01/2006 4:32 PM, Blogger Sara T said...

Smart smart SMART little girl. Get your emotional strings and just TUG at them. LOL!

Come on...get another peanut. :)

At 2/01/2006 11:18 PM, Blogger Beth said...

Oh my gosh! Emma sure knows what she wants! Maybe you should just get her a rabbit, dog gone it!!


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