Wednesday, March 15, 2006

What a Day!

Really, that title covers it. From good to bad I guess. I was just too tired last night to post anything on here so now through blurry eyes I am going to attempt to post now.

Yesterday started early. Rumbling from the kids room happened around 5 but thankfully Timmy fell back to sleep. Emma isn't allowed out of her room until she sees it is 6, so I knew I had an hour. All 4 of us got ready and headed to Timmy's Immunologist appt. I had already heard the blood results but we still had to go and get a bit of a game plan. So far the game plan is to stay on course the way we are with him taking singulair everyday and me chartig when he gets colds and the severity of them. We head back to him in May for another followup and then retest his blood in a year. We are hoping by then his IGA is in some kind of range even if it is low. After the appt. David headed to work and the kids and I headed shopping.

I am in desperate need of clothes. But first a stop at Borders!!! We had a GREAT time!! I thought it could go bad because Timmy wasn't in his stroller, but he was fantastic. My children LOVE books! I have read to them since the day they came home. Actually, Timmy was read to before he was even born. I try my best to bombard my children with books. So Emma was off searching for her book, Timmy was searching for anything he could, DVD's, coloring books, storybooks, and stuffed animals! They were to funny. I found a DVD for them and then went to help them find a book. Emma wound up with a Dora DVD because most of the books she pictures out (Junie B. Jones Books) we already have. I started reading her chapter books this past week and she loves them. So I am reading her the whole series. Timmy got a Wiggles book. Not something I liked but he loves them. I at least found the most educational one I could. For myself, The Joy of Cooking! Martha recommended it and I had to check it out.

Then we were off to Kohl's. Can I just say that my children ate so many Cherios that I didn't think they would eat anything for lunch! I found some clothes for me and there was a lot of interestign discussions that we had in the fitting room. "Mommy that will fit, it is so cute." I put on the clothing and then "UGH!" "What's the matter mommy?" "It doesn't fit." "Yes it does, you zipped them." "Honey, mommy can't move, they are too tight." "Then get a bigger size." Ah yes, that is the answer, but do you think I did that, NO! Although I was able to find some things, and of course the rest of my family benefitted from the outing. Clothes for all. Timmy had to get a Nemo bathing suit. He wore it on his head through the store. That's my boy.

We got home and things went well. Lunch, nap for Timmy and then, Emma said her head hurt. She sat with me and watched her Dora DVD. She looked exhausted! So then Timmy got up and had his OT. Everything went well. After she left Emma said she felt yucky inside. Not good! My stomach was bothering me but from something I ate. So we sat together until David got home. Then things went from bad to worse. She began crying fits and just felt miserable. All of a sudden she was cold and couldn't get warm. We wrapped her and I took her temperature 99.6 not bad. We called the dr. and got a 7:30 appt. 30 minutes after her bedtime, but she needed to be looked at. Within an hour of the 99.6 reading her temp was up to 103. I got her in the van as she was sobbing and within 5 minutes she was asleep. At the drs. office the nurse took her temp and it was down to 101.5 (thank you Tylenol!). The nurse left and Emma was back to sleep. The dr. can in and she was barely awake for the exam. The diagnosis - strep throat!! The poor kid. As we were leaving she woke up to get a sticker and then tried to fall alseep on the floor. Back in the van and back to sleep. She was beat.

I am so happy to report that after one dose, she is back to normal!!!! You got to love medicine!!! Funny thing I am glad it was strep and not a virus.

Other than being tired we are good here. She is sad because she can't go to school today, but otherwise good! I cam keeping my fingers crossed that Timmy doesn't get it!


At 3/15/2006 9:29 AM, Blogger Sara T said...

That title summed it up perfectly...WHAT A DAY! wow!! You sure it wasn't like 2 or 3 days?? LOL! Wow!!! Sounds like the majority of the day was a lot of fun!!! Sorry Emma got sick!! I am glad it wasn't a stomach virus or food poisoning...which is what I thought when you said your stomach started to hurt. WHEW!!! I am very glad the medicine worked! :) Hope she feels better quickly.

Enjoy the new books and clothes! :)

At 3/16/2006 12:13 AM, Blogger Beth said...

POOR POOR Emma! I am so sad that she got sick. I hope she is feeling so much better!
I hope all of you remain strept free, too. so sad.

I'm happy to hear that you all went shopping! I love Emma's comments on your clothes, too funny! Reminds me of one of my favorite shows "what not to wear," it's like she's one of the fashion consultants! LOL!

Great entry, Tracy. I hope everyone is feeling good and healthy. Big hugs.

At 3/16/2006 11:34 AM, Blogger Penny said...

wow what a day!!.

I hope you have a 100% healthy home soon.

My kids love books too. I can normally stop my self form buying most stuff for the kids but when it comes to books I can't help myself LOL

At 3/17/2006 10:46 AM, Blogger Christy M. said...

I'm sorry to hear Emma's sick. Isn't it amazing how fast they can go downhill? One minute fine, the next minute sick. Poor thing.

At least you had a fun trip to the bookstore before she started feeling bad! I LOVE to take BJ to the book store and feel really bad about not leaving with every book he wants! We have SOOOOO many books, we're running out of space for them. BJ loves to read and be read to!

Tracy, you're a WONDERFUL mom!!!


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